
LitmusChaosCon 2024 on September 12th! Register now(Free) or submit a talk proposal submit a talk proposal(last date: June 24th)

Continuously testing our system’s resiliency.

Kitopi is the world’s leading state-of-the-art, managed cloud kitchen platform with over 1000 employees across UAE, KSA and Kuwait.

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Why do we use Litmus?

We started out using Litmus when searching for chaos testing tools, to continuously test our resiliency. It turned out to be really easy to implement and intuitive to use

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How we explored litmus?

On our stage environment we run nightly pipelines consisting of:

  • Traffic source ( performance tests)
  • Litmus Chaos experiments

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    Benefits in using Litmus.

    Litmus lets us easily incorporate simple chaos experiments into already existing clusters. Since it provides native Kubernetes support, it's easy to understand and modify. Also, the LitmusChaos community is nothing short of exceptional, so that's a bonus!

    Chaos Engineering made easy

    Litmus is highly extensible and integrates with other tools to enable the creation of custom experiments. Kubernetes developers & SREs use Litmus to manage chaos in a declarative manner and find weaknesses in their applications and infrastructure.

    Get started with Litmus